NNSquad - Network Neutrality Squad
[ NNSquad ] Black, White, and Shades of Gray...
Part of what the problem is comes from the fact that not all traffic filtering and proiritization is evil for the BULK of the customers of an ISP. Some that only a few would consider bad: Blocking outbound/inbound port 25, and throttling through SMTP server email to stop spambots Blocking inbound/outbound Windows ports Injecting RSTs to disrupt known attacks Active set-by-default proxy/caching of HTTP traffic when the user "configures" the Internet connection for the first time. Active blocking of known-bot-infected customers, with a redirect to a "here is how you fix yourself" page. Active blocking of DDoS attacks. Some that more might consider bad, but most customers would benefit given the current bandwidth constraints: Active man-in-the-middle HTTP caching Traffic shaping "worst than best effort" flows to a lower priority. Using protocol analysis to guide traffic shaping: VoIP gets better treatment than HTTP which is better than BitTorrent. Running an Intrusion Detection and Response system Probably bad: Injecting RSTs into "traffic analysis suggests is" a bittorrent upload-only instead of just traffic shaping. Prioritizing IPTV/Video on Demand services (eg, Amazon Unbox, Youtube) based on which services are willing to pay the ISP more money. Pure Evil (a registered trademark of your local Phone/Cable duopoly): Jittering competing VoIP services which compete with the ISP's POTS/VoIP service offering. Injecting advertisements in HTTP traffic