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[ NNSquad ] Re: [OT?] NN definition(s?)

Richard Bennett wrote:
So I have two questions:

1) Does anybody else think Comcast interferes with BitTorrent

The behavior of BitTorrent swarms under different network conditions is PhD thesis fodder. However in the general case if a swarm has relatively few pure seeds (clients that have completed the download) then download speed will tend to be related to upload speed for two reasons. First in the big picture the swarm of clients can be looked at as a bucket of bits, with each client pouring bits into the bucket and taking them out at the same time - average download will equal average upload. The number of bit's available to download is going to be impacted by upload blocking and so the overall swarm download speed will suffer. Second individual clients practice tit for tat - the faster you send data to me the faster I'll send it to you. If the connection to you keeps getting RST that is not going to work. Detecting when a client is just uploading requires deep packet inspection to look at the bitmap of which blocks the client has. Doing it with an encrypted connection requires traffic analysis that is easily thrown off when there are multiple torrents running on the client at different stages of completion.

I haven't had a chance to study exactly where in the conversation Comcast is sending RST. Depending on how good the traffic analysis engine sandvine uses is it's possible to impact uploads and not download but that would be quite complex to do, particularly with encrypted connections, and require a lot of state to be kept for each connection to understand what is going on. It's quite possible that people are downloading torrents with many seeds where they will see good download speeds even if they do no uploading themselves, however if upload blocking becomes pervasive this will change.

(Disclaimer: I used to be VP Engineering at BitTorrent - I don't work for them any more and this post may not reflect their views)