NNSquad - Network Neutrality Squad
[ NNSquad ] Re: Is network unneutrality necessarily bad?
I agree on several things: The carriers should disclose all of their policies and mechanisms that may make their service non-neutral. The carriers shouldn't under provision their networks. With DSL, my loop is dedicated to me. (This is not true for cable). There is no reason I shouldn't be able to use my loop at full speed all the time. The problem comes with the basic nature of packet switching: it's based on statistical multiplexing. This is not new; the phone companies have been doing it from day one. It simply isn't (or it hasn't been) feasible to provide enough capacity to handle everyone at full speed all the time. And it would be economically inefficient to do so because it would raise prices for those who don't use their links at full speed all the time. That said, I think the carriers are going about this in completely the wrong way by putting rate limits on individual users and by limiting their monthly usage. This is a bad match to the underlying technology. The *right* thing to do is to introduce DSCP (QoS) mechanisms that the *user* can control. You are right that the user can prioritize his own upstream traffic so that his VoIP, for example, gets higher priority than his Bit Torrent traffic. I do exactly this with a dedicated router running Linux and the results have been dramatic. I can saturate my DSL upstream link with Bit Torrent traffic, pick up the phone and make a VoIP call with no impact at all. The Bit Torrent stream slows down for the duration of the call and then resumes at the end. It works exactly as it should. The carrier should give me a similar mechanism for the downstream link, because I do not control his router. But I must have control over it. In practice downstream QoS isn't as big a problem as the upstream link because the upstream links are so much slower. I don't think we would disagree on any of this. The interesting part is what should happen beyond my local DSL loop because that part of the network is shared with other users. Assuming that it is not yet economically feasible to over provision the shared network as we'd all like (and I don't know that it still isn't), I think a reasonably fair QoS mechanism could be implemented. First of all, the carrier should implement a "scavenger" class of service with a priority lower than default. Users are allowed to present as much traffic in this class as they want without penalty or monthly limit. Furthermore, there should be no artificial limits on speed; a link should never be allowed to go idle as long as there is traffic to send, including scavenger traffic. Second, the carrier should divide up the available capacity C among the N active users, defined as those who have sent traffic in say, the last 30 seconds, and guarantee C/N to each user's default priority traffic. Traffic from any one user in excess of that amount is downgraded to scavenger traffic, possibly affecting VoIP so the user has an incentive to mark his traffic accurately. Basically, each user is guaranteed a fair share of capacity and when one user doesn't use his capacity, everybody else gets to fight over it. If a user wants a guaranteed rate higher than C/N, he should have the option of paying for it. But there should be no caps on individual data rates or monthly limits on total traffic even for the cheapest grade of service. Rates should be based only on busy-time guarantees. I think this approach is a much better fit to how a statistically multiplexed packet network actually behaves. Each user gets a guarantee that they do not now have, yet good incentives are in place to encourage users to do the right thing. --Phil