October 14, 2014 |
08:58 |
[ NNSquad ] South Korean ID system in disarray, Lauren Weinstein |
October 13, 2014 |
22:17 |
[ NNSquad ] Russia's Sandworm Hack Has Been Spying on Foreign Governments for Years, Lauren Weinstein |
21:27 |
[ NNSquad ] Update on Dropbox, Lauren Weinstein |
20:37 |
[ NNSquad ] 7 million Dropbox username/password pairs apparently leaked, Lauren Weinstein |
18:54 |
[ NNSquad ] Eric Schmidt in Berlin: "The New Grundergeist", Lauren Weinstein |
October 10, 2014 |
11:54 |
[ NNSquad ] Google report on EU "right to be forgotten" requests, Lauren Weinstein |
10:09 |
[ NNSquad ] HP accidentally signed malware, will revoke certificate, Lauren Weinstein |
09:57 |
[ NNSquad ] "Sonic.net implements DNSSEC, performs MITM against customers. Are they legally liable?", Lauren Weinstein |
08:51 |
[ NNSquad ] Obama: I want the FCC to ban paid Internet fast lanes, Lauren Weinstein |
October 08, 2014 |
18:34 |
[ NNSquad ] Wired: US Spy Programs May Break the Internet if Not Reformed, Google Leader Says, Lauren Weinstein |
October 07, 2014 |
13:49 |
[ NNSquad ] Belkin routers around the globe unable to connect to the internet, Lauren Weinstein |
10:09 |
[ NNSquad ] Adobe tracks your e-book reading habits--and sends logs in plain text, Lauren Weinstein |
09:11 |
[ NNSquad ] More on Windows 10 (preview) data collection, Lauren Weinstein |
08:30 |
[ NNSquad ] Even a built-in keylogger! - "Microsoft's Windows 10 has permission to spy on you!", Lauren Weinstein |
October 05, 2014 |
08:01 |
[ NNSquad ] Comcast Merger Review Put On Hold By FCC, Lauren Weinstein |
October 04, 2014 |
10:07 |
[ NNSquad ] Alabama sheriff accuses EFF of protecting child molesters, Lauren Weinstein |
October 03, 2014 |
13:27 |
[ NNSquad ] "Bufferbloat and Other Internet Challenges" (IEEE - Vint Cerf) [Login required], Lauren Weinstein |
October 02, 2014 |
08:34 |
[ NNSquad ] The Unpatchable Malware That Infects USBs Is Now on the Loose, Lauren Weinstein |
October 01, 2014 |
08:41 |
[ NNSquad ] ComputerCOP: the dubious "Internet Safety Software" given to US families, Lauren Weinstein |
September 30, 2014 |
19:30 |
[ NNSquad ] Chinese Web Censors Struggle With Hong Kong Protest, Lauren Weinstein |
19:20 |
[ NNSquad ] Internet Companies Take Aim at Wireless Net Neutrality as Debate Rages On, Lauren Weinstein |
09:07 |
[ NNSquad ] The US is ready to redefine "television" to include the internet, Lauren Weinstein |
September 25, 2014 |
16:58 |
[ NNSquad ] iPhone 6 lines filled with black market buyers, Lauren Weinstein |
09:20 |
[ NNSquad ] Google responds to Rupert Murdoch ("Dear Rupert"), Lauren Weinstein |
September 24, 2014 |
21:48 |
[ NNSquad ] Off-topic video extra -- 9/20/1945 -- "Tokyo Rose" in the studio, Lauren Weinstein |
15:11 |
[ NNSquad ] Bug in Bash shell creates big security hole on anything with *nix in it, Lauren Weinstein |
13:05 |
[ NNSquad ] Why this tiny Italian restaurant gives a discount for bad Yelp reviews, Lauren Weinstein |
12:17 |
[ NNSquad ] Comcast says "competition is just too darned expensive!", Lauren Weinstein |
10:54 |
[ NNSquad ] Eric Schmidt on Memegen and Google Culture, Lauren Weinstein |
08:42 |
[ NNSquad ] Comcast Accuses Time Warner Cable Deal Opponents of "Extortion", Lauren Weinstein |
07:59 |
[ NNSquad ] Comcast: Everyone secretly knows our Time Warner merger is good for customers, Lauren Weinstein |
September 23, 2014 |
10:50 |
[ NNSquad ] AT&T and Verizon defend data caps on home Internet service, Lauren Weinstein |
September 22, 2014 |
22:35 |
[ NNSquad ] DuckDuckGo joins Google in being blocked in China, Lauren Weinstein |
12:26 |
[ NNSquad ] Comcast to FCC: We already face enough competition, so let us buy TWC, Lauren Weinstein |
September 21, 2014 |
08:37 |
[ NNSquad ] Study: Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists, Lauren Weinstein |
September 20, 2014 |
12:23 |
[ NNSquad ] Ex-Employees Say Home Depot Left Data Vulnerable, Lauren Weinstein |
September 19, 2014 |
12:02 |
[ NNSquad ] Russia to be disconnected from the Internet?, Lauren Weinstein |
September 18, 2014 |
08:19 |
[ NNSquad ] Why Free Marketeers Want To Regulate the Internet, Lauren Weinstein |
September 14, 2014 |
19:14 |
[ NNSquad ] Supreme Court ruling has wiped out 11 "do it on a computer" patents so far, Lauren Weinstein |
09:24 |
[ NNSquad ] Today's off-topic bonus video: "Fun with German", Lauren Weinstein |
September 12, 2014 |
13:38 |
[ NNSquad ] Painter demands Google remove search results for *positive* news story, Lauren Weinstein |
September 10, 2014 |
19:49 |
[ NNSquad ] Google: Join "Take Action to support a free and open Internet", Lauren Weinstein |
September 09, 2014 |
18:59 |
[ NNSquad ] Chat logs show how 4chan users created #GamerGate controversy, Lauren Weinstein |
18:02 |
[ NNSquad ] Turkey Tightens Grip Over the Internet, Lauren Weinstein |
September 08, 2014 |
22:05 |
[ NNSquad ] BBC: ISPs should assume that heavy VPN users are pirates, Lauren Weinstein |
16:40 |
[ NNSquad ] Nancy Pelosi urges FCC to reclassify broadband as a utility, Lauren Weinstein |
16:19 |
[ NNSquad ] Meet the tech company performing ad injections for Big Cable, Lauren Weinstein |
12:38 |
[ NNSquad ] AT&T and Verizon say 10Mbps is too fast for "broadband, " 4Mbps is enough, Lauren Weinstein |
09:57 |
[ NNSquad ] Report: Dish's Ergen approached DT about a possible T-Mobile bid, Lauren Weinstein |
09:16 |
[ NNSquad ] Google: We built Google for users, not websites, Lauren Weinstein |